LOT RDS Software Administration Guide

Adam Dickmeiss

Mike Taylor

Per Mørkegård Hansen

This document tells you how to install and administrate the Library of Texas's Resource Discovery System (LOT RDS) software.

CVS id: $Id: lot.xml,v 1.32 2004/05/14 16:38:45 mike Exp $

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. System Overview
3. Installation
3.1. System requirements
3.2. Apache
3.3. MySQL
3.4. PHP
3.5. Sablotron
3.6. YAZ
3.7. TKL
3.8. Portal Content
3.9. Setting up the software for a virtual host
3.10. Perl XML Support
3.11. make_trans.pl
3.12. MySQL Configuration
3.13. YAZ proxy
3.14. Z39.50 Gateways
3.15. Z-Spy
3.16. Cron job
3.17. Log rotation
3.18. Trying it out
4. Administration
4.1. Files
4.2. TLDD
4.3. TKL
4.3.1. Help Files
4.3.2. Language Files
4.4. PHP settings
4.5. XSLT
5. Integration of Non-Z39.50 Databases
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Databases accessed using HITS
5.2.1. Biography & Genealogy Master Index
5.2.2. Student Resource Center GOLD
5.2.3. Texas Almanac
5.2.4. What Do I Read Next?
5.3. Databases accessed using Web Interfaces
5.3.1. STAT!Ref
5.3.2. Heritage Quest
List of Tables
5-1. Non-Z39.50 Databases in the LOT RDS
5-2. BGMI: access points supported
5-3. BGMI: Dublin Core fields returned in brief/full records
5-4. SRCG: access points supported
5-5. SRCG: Dublin Core fields returned in brief/full records
5-6. GTXS: access points supported
5-7. GTXS: Dublin Core fields returned in brief/full records
5-8. WDRN: access points supported
5-9. WDRN: Dublin Core fields returned in brief/full records
5-10. STAT!Ref: fields returned in records
5-11. Heritage Quest: fields returned in records
List of Examples
4-1. XHTML