3.7. TKL

TKL is a simple content management system using XML/XSLT. The LOT software uses that to produce (most of) the content. You can get the TKL software from http://www.indexdata.dk/tkl/.

Install the TKL software by simply un-taring in /var/www/html :

	  cd /var/www/html
	  sudo tar zxf tklite-version.tar.gz
	  ln -s tklite-version tklite

After unpacking modify ownership of the TKL files to the same user as Apache. On RedHat 8 that is user=apache, group=apache, so you could do:

	  sudo chown -R apache.apache /var/www/html/tklite

Enable TKL in PHP/Apache by creating the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/tklite.conf with the contents:

	  AcceptPathInfo On
	  AddHandler tklhandler .tkl
	  Action tklhandler /tklite/shell.php
	  DirectoryIndex index.tkl

Restart the web-server to make these changes take effect:

	  sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart