3.10. Perl XML Support

The utility make_trans.pl which converts TKL XML files with language entries to native PHP and Java script files is Perl based.

The script requires perl Module XML::LibXML to operate. Unfortunately this module is not part of the RedHat distribution so that has to be compiled separately.

To further complicate matters XML::LibXML is incompatible with the libXML2 C library that is shipped with Redhat 8 (libxml2 version 2.4.23). Therefore libxml2 must be upgraded as well. Third party Redhat parties exist for it, so it is not necessary to compile it from source. Get RedHat packages libxml2, libxml2-devel, libxslt and libxslt-devel from xmlsoft.org. Download libxml2 version 2.5.6 or later. Upgrade the RedHat packages by running rpm -vU on each file.

Fetch the following Perl packages from CPAN: XML-NamespaceSupport, XML-SAX, XML-LibXML-Common, XML-LibXML and XML-LibXSLT.

Compile each of them in the order as specified above. The procedure for each package is:

	  cd package
	  perl Makefile.pl
	  sudo make install