Message-id: Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 09:09:08 +0100 From: Per Ahlberg To: Sender: Envelope-to: Delivery-date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 09:08:09 +0100 Subject: Re: War of the Aetosaurs Just adding my ha'pennyworth to say that I agree entirely with Mickey and Kevin on this issue. If indeed acts of academic piracy have been committed (as the evidence documented by Mike Taylor strongly suggests), this is a very serious matter - especially as some of the victims are graduate students. A graduate student is by definition the most vulnerable of scientists, with limited experience, no power base or long-term job security, and an awful lot to prove; they are also collectively the future of our discipline. By any reasonable standard of human decency, as well as enlightened self-interest, we have a duty to treat them with fairness and respect. It would also not come amiss for us to set a good example for them. -- Professor P. E. Ahlberg Subdepartment of Evolutionary Organismal Biology Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology Evolutionary Biology Centre Uppsala University Norbyvägen 18A 752 36 Uppsala Sweden