Who are you? What qualifications do you have to do this?

27th August 2002

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Who are you? What qualifications do you have to do this?


I'm Mike Taylor, a computer guy in his early thirties with a passionate sideline in dinosaurs (and a lot of other sidelines too). Very married with two children (both boys.) If for any reason you'd like to know more, or see some of my other writings, feel free to take a look at my web site, which is at http://www.miketaylor.org.uk/

What qualifications do I have? None whatsoever. That's what makes me so well suited to the job. Only a true novice can ask the questions that other novices need to know the answers to - if an expert tries to do it, he or she will inevitably make assumptions about what people know.

Apart from my ignorance, the only assets I bring to this project are a desire to do it, the ability to learn from the answers I get, and experience in writing half-decent prose. I hope that combining these attributes with the expertise of others will yield a uniquely helpful and comprehensive resource for everyone who wants to learn about the most wonderful creatures ever to walk God's earth.

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(See How can I help? for more details.)
[About the author]